Welcome to

Thorn Grove Primary School

Home Learning


Enjoyment of reading has a direct impact on children’s success at school as well as their overall well-being.  We work hard to promote a positive reading culture across the school.  To support this at home please allow time for children to enjoy reading.  Please listen to your child read, discuss their reading and read aloud to your children. 

Sooper Books is an online library for 3-10 year olds bringing award-winning children's stories to schools and families.  They have kindly made all their stories and audiobooks free for schools and nurseries across the UK.  Try unlimited family membership at sooperbooks.com

See our reading page for more information on reading


 Years 2-6

Parent Guide to Spelling Shed

 EdShed Web Game

Spelling Shed - Spelling Shed - The Science of Spelling


 Years 3-6

Times Table Rockstars


Times Tables Rock Stars

Years 1-2


NumBots | Welcome to the NumBlog!


Below are a list of website which you may find interesting and helpful. If you discover an website you would like to share with other pupils please let your teacher or Mrs Lilley know and we can add them to the list.